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singapore business and professional women's association

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SBPWA 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • 1 Sep 2018
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • 178 Paya Lebar Road, #03-10, Boardroom of CHS, Singapore 409030

Registration is closed

Dear SBPWA members, 

Following our notice given on 6th August 2018, we would like to invite you once again to join us at our 47th Annual General Meeting. The agenda for the meeting has been updated: 

  1. Roll call and Confirmation of Quorum
  2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 46th AGM
  3. Annual Report of the Executive Committee 2017/18
  4. Audited financial accounts of the financial year ended 30 June 2018
  5. Election of the members of the Executive Committee 2018/19
  6. Appointment of Honorary Auditors 2018/19
  7. Voting of new Logo
  8. Any other business 

Please confirm your attendance by registering on our website or emailing by 31 August 2018. 


  • If you are unable to attend, but would like to appoint a proxy, please complete the Proxy Form attached.
  • If you would like to serve on the Executive Committee, please complete the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form attached. The list of positions are available on the SBPWA website at www . sbpwa . org . sg.
  • The right to vote can only be exercised when all subscriptions and dues have been paid before the AGM and the member is present at the meeting or has appointed a proxy (Constitution Clause 7.8.3).

Minutes of SBPWA 46th AGM.pdf

Proxy and Exco Nomination Form.doc